Single Risk: Protect your business from political and credit risks

Insurance for complex projects: Political risk and non-payment cover

Insurance for complex, long-term projects, safeguarding against non-payment and political risks.: irrevocable and tailor-made

Coface's Single Risk Department provides coverage for your complex transactions with long-term maturities that go beyond the typical trade credit insurance framework. And, it's irrevocable!

  • Flexibility

    You retain control over the analysis of buyers and the choice of risks to cover—be it political, commercial, or a combination of both.

  • Freedom

    You have the freedom to select the commercial transactions you want to guarantee, with no requirement to entrust us with account receivables.

  • Tailor-made

    We analyze each request separately and offer personalized pricing based on your unique requirements.

  • Long-term

    Private buyers get up to 8 years of coverage, and public buyers get coverage for up to 10 years.

  • Irrevocable

    Single Risk cover remains irrevocable throughout the entire duration of your transaction.

What risks are covered?

Investments, assets, subsidiaries and holdings abroad

For investments and assets abroad, as well as subsidiaries and holdings, our insurance coverage extends to the following risks:


Armed conflicts, riots, strikes, wars and acts of terrorism

Confiscation, expropriation, nationalisation and dispossession

Changes in legislation

Contracts and financing with a private buyer

When dealing with contracts and financing involving a private buyer, our insurance coverage extends to various risks, including:

Non-payment and insolvency

Inconvertibility and non-transfer

Interruption of contract

Improper recourse to bonds


Policies with a public buyer

In the case of a contract and financing involving a public buyer, our insurance coverage encompasses the following risks:


Unilateral termination of contracts

Improper recourse to bonds

Inconvertibility and non-transfer

How does political and credit risk coverage work?

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Regardless of your specific needs, our dedicated specialist team is ready to handle your request. We conduct a thorough analysis of your situation and collaborate with you to devise the optimal solution, streamlining your transactions in Belgium, Luxembourg, and beyond.

Each request is individually scrutinized, and we provide customized pricing tailored to your requirements. Moreover, you have the flexibility to choose which commercial transactions you want to guarantee, with no obligation to entrust us with account receivables.

How does political and credit risk coverage work?


You retain control over the selection of buyers to be analyzed and the specific types of risk to cover, whether political, commercial, or a combination of both.

Our offerings provide tailored, cutting-edge coverage for your unique needs, be it for one-off contracts, intricate transactions, investments, or the financing you extend.

We ensure that the guarantees we offer are scalable, perfectly aligning with your profile and adapting to changes in your business activities. This flexibility ensures optimal protection for your evolving needs.

Who is political and credit risk cover made for?

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Whether you're a small or mid-cap company, a corporation, or a financial institution, if you aim to secure your transactions, including sales, purchase or import contracts, or wish to cover your financing and investments (such as letters of credit, rental of tangible or intangible equipment, export financing, etc.), Coface is here for you. Our tailored coverage is designed to safeguard against the risks of non-payment and political uncertainties that may arise during your transactions.

Our coverage is adaptable for both one-off and ongoing transactions, providing reliable protection for non-cancellable commitments over extended periods.

Who is political and credit risk cover made for?


Our areas of expertise:

Capital goods: construction equipment, pipelines, production lines, industrial machinery

Infrastructure: trains, subways, airports, port facilities, roads

Energy: power stations, wind farms, power grids

Defence: ships, submarines, aviation, satellites and radars

Financing: letters of credit, repurchase of receivables, export pre-financing, etc.

IT: software licences, medical equipment

I would like to request coverage for my risks

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Frequently Asked Questions

Social & Political Risk: what to expect in 2024

With national elections lined up in over 70 countries this year, half the world's population will be going to the polls. 2024 will be a pivotal year for global trade and (geo)political stability, with Coface's social and political risk index warning of a high-risk, shaky environment worldwide. Below we analyse the risks we’ll be tracking most closely this year. Find out more about the 3 risks to watch out for this year.

What is political risk and how is it impacting commercial credit?

With the reshaping of the world order, the rise of (geo)political risk and the climate emergency, political risk is back in the spotlight, with its inevitable economic impact on world trade and businesses. How can we protect ourselves effectively? We take a closer look at this ever-more closely monitored risk.